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enviromental conservation

Pursuing Environmental Conservation to Achieve a Cleaner Global Environment

KB SEIREN has positioned environmental measures as a key challenge. We will continue responding to environmental conservation at every stage from product development, production, distribution, consumption to disposal in order to save the invaluable global environment for our future generations in the 21st century and onward. KB SEIREN encourages energy conservation and makes continuous efforts to reduce electric power and fuel consumption. We fully comply with regulations and local pollution control ordinances on the safety of chemical raw materials and manage our operations to preserve air, water and soil quality aiming for“zero emission.”

ISO mark

KB SEIREN has obtained certification for "ISO 9001" international standard for quality assurance, as well as for "ISO 14001" standard for environmental management. We also strive to ensure environmental conservation in our daily business activities, through such endeavors as energy saving and industrial waste reduction.

Environmental Conservation Action Policy

Environmental Conservation

We actively tackle the issues of global/regional environment through our supply of products and services that are human- and earth-friendly.

Health and Safety

We create a safe and comfortable workplace environment for our employees, so that a vibrant corporate culture is established to help them work with self-reliance, responsibility and a sense of mission.

Improved On-Site Response Capabilities

We establish a work system with minimum loss and waste, with which we improve the response capabilities of each field site as the basis of value creation.

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